Thursday, December 31, 2009

a new decade

oh my, we left a decade in just a blink!
its the end of year 2009..
there's lot of things up and down been happened along the year..
i had learned a lot from the down part of the life..

learning to be tougher,intelligent,independent whatever would make me changed to a better person..
don't blame about the past,because that's life..
bye 2009 and thanks for growing me..

we will never meet in future..
so take away all my sorrows kays..
i want my life to be happy along 2010..

Friday, December 25, 2009 more.

merry christmas to myself..
as santa had left me behind to be lonely..
he didnt hear my wishes this year..
how sad can it be..
i promise i'll be good good girl this coming year so that you wont forget me anymore..

Sunday, December 20, 2009


it was a terrible night..
whenever i close up my eyes..
feel like there is a sharp nails hit on my heart..
my heart shrink whenever a deep breath..
am i that weak?
i cant take it easy..
i should forget bout it..its over..
but it still fresh and clear..
like its just only happen..
sitting alone in the room looking out to the window..
staring at the sky and there is no one by my side..
how i wish there is a shoulder for me to cry out loud..
tell me that everything will be just fine..
fact is you are too far away from me...
if tears could make ones pretty..
i guess i would be the prettiest one..
a sleepless nite with tears make my eyes looks amazingly pretty today..
but no matter what happen..
i still love you..


im going to smile like nothings was wrong..
talk like everythings was perfect..
act like it's all a dream..
and pretend it's not hurting me..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

she's leaving

we used to be stranger..
but fate make us know each other and staying up in a room together..
1 and a half year..
memories here and there..
a good friendship have been built among us in this short period..
you are the youngest one among us..
but your role is like a mother..
always take good care of us and make sure we are in the good condition..
i still rmb how u take care of me when i get in high fever..
you change the wet towel on my forehead and measure my temperature with ur soft hand frequently to see whether come down not..
ask me wake up to have medicine and finish up the big glass of water..
buy me porridge and herbal drink as im lying on bed like a dead fish..
i noe im the one you always worry of as i dun really noe how to take care of myself..
thanks for everything u did kays..
i will never forget how good u treat me in this period..
seriously u treat me better thn my mom..hahas..
sorry for dint attend the farewell..sorry kays..
now you are leaving this room..leaving us as u r graduate..
this make me miss you so much..
coz i noe GD SHAN is no longer staying here with me..
the day when u r not here..
my daily life facing a big change..
and im so not used to it now..
nobody accompany me online till late at nite..
nobody accompany me to drink milk at the midnight..
nobody accompany me to have instant noodle for dinner..
nobody accompany me eat bread with our fav goober grape..
nobody help me to keep the cloths which is ad dry hanging outside..
nobody as me to bath as it is late..
nobody update tvxq's news to me..
nobody share with me the latest korean songs..
nobody gossip with me who is handsome and pretty..
and nobody accompany me stay in the hostel while weekends anymore..
but no matter what..
friendship never end kays..
come visit us when u r free aight..
if not i will go there to disturb u..
wish u all the best Tan Hui Shan..=)