Tuesday, August 25, 2009


im so freak-out on a particular person..
i wonder what is in his mind..
what's he thinking..
i wanna read his mind..
but why i dont have this ability?
kinda hard for me to read his..
omgosh..behaviour goin odd lately..
can someone give me this ability even though just for awhile?

Friday, August 21, 2009


and yet i couldnt wake up again even tho the lady gaga almost finish the whole "just dance"..
until my roommate yell my name..
i only realize that..zzz..
so embarass weh..
sorry roomies..=)
goodmorning guys..
im so sick of morning class sometimes..
how r u guys out there?
wish u guys have a nice day..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


phew..just end up the call on SKYPE..
object : hakiro
duration : 5h 56m 51s
its nice talking to him..
he is so cute weh..
cant resist to his cute sexie voice..
hono..goin to 5am soon..
i still not in the bed yet..
goodnites guys..

and ohya..

Friday, August 14, 2009

bad egg's day

just came back from the town..
been left the hse for 11 hrs..
n ohya..today was my little brother birthday..
my brother n i have been travel around the town with his superbike the whole afternoon..
it so damn cool yo..
so fucking cool..
the whole town was looking at us..
dont jealous k..
cant help with it..
coz we r born to be cool..
haha~ (thanks mom!!)again..happy birthday sei zai bao!!
dont be so naughty liao!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Is there any one day..
we can no longer have to remember again to care about..
nonit to remember whose birthday,gift also did have to pack beautifully..
nonit to care about whose words to say was pleasant to hear coz basically couldn't understand..
nonit to believe all those reasons, too much bullshits spoilt the environment..
nonit to worry the dinner whether western food gruel hawker delivery or fast food..
nonit to worry about today where that person go,had to report police onot..
nonit to feed the pet,exile to the prairie to display the instinct..
nonit to be afraid you to say im quite stupid also wanted you to worry..
nonit to worry bout the pocket money remains in the wallet whether tomorrow able to smoke onot..
nonit to say fitted out pompously, bends the back bows hypocritically ties up the shoelace..
nonit tired has to rest also may go to the next door and chat with the neighbours..
nonit to make money supports oneself because we can try to find the way to go on living ourself..
nonit to escape the shatters expression, refrigerator not enough to lay aside the bad mood..
nonit to using the emotions to get first, although why three character primer does go strong abroad the competition..
dont have a problem only then dont have why there are so many matters could not finish resolve..
nonit to think how supposed to solve the problem because the solution is always a never-ending..

Good morning!
fell asleep yet too early or not?
occasionally, can only think about it.
tired has also been able to think therefore only then, but it does not matter.
well,blows off thinks other matter,
some things to think in eyes in sleep.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


recently, im so addicted to
korean guys,
korean songs,
korean dramas,
korean languages..
its getting worst from before until i cant stop it..
dont ask me why..
they just attract me so darn much..
been learning korean lately..
freakin wanna travel to korea..
wish could migrate to korea..
no matter what ill make it happen..
i wanna make friends with korean..
wanna marry a good-looking korean guy..
my aim..^^
(evil laugh*)
listen to this korea song (now playing)..
my fav atm..

Saturday, August 01, 2009

good luck

when best friends were sat together..
it doesnt need to find any interesting topics to talk about..
been years we noe each others..
from schoolmate to teammate..
and from teammate to intimate..
sometimes..people do said we looks like twins..
this is how our friendship built..
the roots of the friendship have been grow strong deep under the ground..
good and bad, happy and sad moments we have been through..
we share everythings together..
we play together..
we sleep together..
we noe the privity well among us..
the atmosphere wont be dull even though just silent..
we noe what is the body languages tell..
coz our mind are great..
wish u all among the best there..
we always here to wait u back..
miss you,love you my twins..^^


just came back from Banglow..
small gathering with besties..
erm..can say a small farewell with baBy who going to s'pore this sunday..
me,bB,jac,exue,jiayun,endee n seechien..
4hours we spent there..eat drink chat..perhaps some "oxygen"..xP
the best part was the game, playing card..
it was called 'In Between'..dunno baBy said it..
each of us ante 10sen..but until the end there was bout 20-30 bucks..
each of us really enjoy the game..
especially when its came to our turn see who gonna take back all those money$$..
poor jac she lose her money the most..
n each of us seems like dividing her money..xD
marlboro ice mints was great..
shhh~and we finished the whole packet..
too bad its not available in malaysia..=\
anyway..here goes the pics we took..
with bB (mei)

jac+me n mei
exue+jac n mei
Ndee n yun

