Saturday, August 01, 2009


just came back from Banglow..
small gathering with besties..
erm..can say a small farewell with baBy who going to s'pore this sunday..
me,bB,jac,exue,jiayun,endee n seechien..
4hours we spent drink chat..perhaps some "oxygen"..xP
the best part was the game, playing card..
it was called 'In Between'..dunno baBy said it..
each of us ante 10sen..but until the end there was bout 20-30 bucks..
each of us really enjoy the game..
especially when its came to our turn see who gonna take back all those money$$..
poor jac she lose her money the most..
n each of us seems like dividing her money..xD
marlboro ice mints was great..
shhh~and we finished the whole packet..
too bad its not available in malaysia..=\ goes the pics we took..
with bB (mei)

jac+me n mei
exue+jac n mei
Ndee n yun

