Wednesday, September 30, 2009


i miss u so much right now..
keep on doodle my sketchbook with ur name..
im so lost without ur contact..
feels weird without hearing ur voice for the whole day..
feels like everythings i did wasnt goes right..
hellow~where r u?
just wanna tell u that..
i miss you to the MAX!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


last nite was kdu design's gang bbq party..
let me think who attended the party.. fish zen mell foong teng lin mang godwin gan diane phyllis..
said that the party starts at 6..but me n darl reach at 8 somethings..
haha..sorry guys..i noe u guys cant wait for my food..bahahaha..
there got so many so many foods weh..
imagine that 16 of us each brings one food..
all total got 16 food+ that nite..
fuyooh..yummy yummy..thumbs up for all of it..^^
and one thing..
i really fried those tempura mushroom myself seriously..
i had never get my ass down into the kitchen to do somethings before this 19yrs..
even in my hse i also never cook..
ok..see how lucky u guys are..
u guys was the 1st gang who taste it..
c'mon lets feel proud of it..haha..

Friday, September 25, 2009


wtheck..y am i so forgetfull??
i never thought that im now in penang without my IC n license..
how am i gonna hang out without them?
why i could forget to bring them along?
what to do now?
u this idiot..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2209's outing

tired tired tired..
tired till i think i can sleep for the whole day without waking up..haha.. (always does)
i've been out for the whole noon..
3 of us go here n there..
and alor star is really boring..
the worst part is..i planned to have a movie..but the ticket was all sold!! wth!! plan for the whole noon spoilt..
really no place to go the weather was so hot..
hello Mr.Sun,pls control ur anger k..we very hot down here leh..=="
but i guess the outing is still not that bored with some funny photo taking..

there still a lots more..stay tune~^^

Saturday, September 19, 2009


grr..why is this happened to me?
why must it happened when im all alone?
im fear of dark especially when im alone and there is raining heavily come with thunder..
oh gosh..feel really helpless..
sound like im a poltroon rite?
hey pls la..everyone also have a fear in them k..
eventho im big enough..but sometimes im still scare k..
plus this time im ALONE in this BIG house..=="
lucikly i got my bro and my darlin who i can reach for their comfort..
and not to forget my sweetheart..haha..
the one and only who could cheer me up and make me laugh when im emo..
thanks god its only 1hour plus..
if not i guess i'll be mad here..
thanks ya..for those who help me to pray..hehe..
u noe who u r..

Monday, September 14, 2009


pls dont ever live inside the dictionary..
u make us moody..
u spoilt my day..
all becoz of u this bloody words..
get lost ok??

Friday, September 11, 2009


wanna tell u guys one really classic phrase that said by my frens-Kho Angie..
she told me this..
before that is one more..she said..
so funny weh..
awh..i admit that i really sleep a lots..
and thanks for the compliments..

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

3days trip

for the past 3days..
i went to shan's hometown for a short trip..
i like their family actually..
each of them..
simple nice friendly n warm..
how i wish i could stay there longer..
n i learnt to play piano there..
now i noe to play a song weh..(b4 that was only chorus)
n i wish i could play it in front of my love one someday..
so i better practice everyday so that i wont forget those notes..hehe..
i better continue my drawing now..

Thursday, September 03, 2009


why the sound of insomnia become so familiar..
silence has become ur replacement..
expecting have makes one more n more welter..
who unable to find their somebody like me?
for some reason..
i'm always learning the flavour of loneliness..
being alone is so tiring..
what kind of rain..what kind of night..
what kind of me can make u think of me more?
how big does the storm have to dark does the sky have to be..
so that i'll have your care?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


take some tobaccos,so that it could make myself dizzy..


cant really smirk like i used to be everytime i look at it..
cant bear to lost anythings seriously..
seems it had become somethings precious in a part of my life..
just noe that..
illusion never comes into something real..