Thursday, February 11, 2010


im not blaming you and please stop apologize to me..
you know i dont wan nothing but you..
im not demanding for you to be here with me..
perhaps, a respond to me which could make me feel safe and comfort is that hard?
i just want you to be there when i need you and its ok if you cant make it..
these had ruined my day and im really sick of all these..

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

my voice

this feeling is awesomely suck..
been abandoned by him again..
said u will always be by my side but where are you when i need you?
ur words just like a million knife that strike straight to my heart..
you never know how hurt is that to me especially when its from ur words..
you should noe that its all because of you..
but you never seems to care and it become my fault to have this mood in turn..
can you please take a few second to figure out what is on my mind?
is that hard?
i found this is much more cruel to me than pretending..
shouldnt be so real coz no one will actually care about it..
depression why are you so loyal to me?

Sunday, February 07, 2010

searching on going

im started to regret..
i've been seacrhing all around but end up disappointed..
i shouldnt hesitate at the 1st time..
can i turn back the time?
i wish i could..
miracle please happen on me..
i freaking need it but im tired..