Monday, June 29, 2009


went to college as usual today..
its been a long time never walk to college..
walk on the familiarity path..
imagine that ur presence when we walk to college together..
pass by 44 reminds me on u that u are no longer in pg..
enter the college..
everythings was goin on their own way as usual..
but my feeling was like missing somethings..
without ur laughter n ur figure in the college..
cody..i started to miss u again..

Sunday, June 28, 2009

the glum morning

wake up from the call..
today weather was cloudiness..
is it also trying to present the feeling im having now?
reflecting the feeling in me knowing her besties had leaving?
the msg was been recieved in when 1028..
saying I'm in the car ad... Bye cecilia
so depressing looking this..
the whatever things happen in the midnight still clearly on my mind..
every single words of it.. cant take any decision nor step..
coz i really dunno what to do..
im choosing to remain silent,a standard ans..
im not giving any ans u guys wanted i noe..
perhaps like what u said,wrong timing..
a new day with a sullen weather and a dismal feeling..
good morning everyone..

the departure

this wasnt a good news to me..
besties are leaving one by one..
who's next?
how sad can it be?
my hun,cody is leaving today.. i crying?
i noe u for 10months..
memories here n there..
and now its the time u leave for ur better future..
how i wish everyone will just stay like how it begin..
am i over demand?maybe..
but this is what we called life..
i cant stop it to happen..

i wanna tell u cody..
thanks for ur support along the way..
thanks for ur encourage when im down..
thanks for ur advice when im lost..
thanks for ur help when im stress..
thanks for ur guidance when im emo..
thanks for ur ears when i abreact..
thanks for ur cigaratte when im moody..
thanks for ur time when im lonely..
thanks for ur jokes when im bored..
thank you for everythings u did..
i really apperciate it..
for future wish u all among the best..
it is so hard for me to say goodbye..
i dont wanna say goodbye..
ill miss you so much my dear friend..
rmb to do ur gym everyday..
always rmb our aruose when we getting sloth..
we got the mission dude..haha xD
friendship never end friend..
keep in touch..
will miss u so darn much after this..T.T

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 sick.

im so sick..
i admited to hospital cause of nonstop vomiting..
that was so bad..
the feeling was unpleasant at all..
it been almost 1week..
but it doesnt seem to be recover..
no matter what i ate..
i will be end up vomit or diarrhea..
currently my weight was 43 from 46..
thats sounds cool right?
from now on..
i wont eat those hawker stall food..
my tummy is so unease with those food right now..
no oily no heatty food..
then what still can i eat??

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the NITE

hoho..pasar malam in penang..
its awesome..its big..its hot..
full of stalls full of food full of peoples full of cars..
me fish cody varent eddie doreen went there just now..
6 of us..full of fun..
joking here n there..
playing around..memang sia sui..
but i enjoy my nite even though im damn tired..
bout photos..ill post up later..
im so tired im gonna sleep now..
will tell u guys bout what funny things happen while 6 of us hangout next post..

Monday, June 15, 2009

hell ya..

Drag Me To Hell
oh its fucking awesome..
i like it so darn much..
what a great movie i can say..
but for someone..erm..i dont think so..*grins*

1st time go movie with a bunch of junior girls..
it is so damn great..
so cowardice so cute i can say..
sound effect here n there..
kinda embarass but still i like the way..( hard feelings ya..^^)

hope that can join u guys for a movie next time..
u guys are just simply way too cute..

Sunday, June 14, 2009

non-stop missing ♥/♥

where were you when i needed you the most..?
i miss someone so darn much..
i miss someone so bad..
my mind was full of you, dont you know that?
and im so moody without you now..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

oh FUCK!!

my LEG!!
it so darn fucking PAIN!!
someone pls come and help me to cure my pain..
i cant stand it..

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


One can only feel desolate for so long
until one starts to change
into something the mirror doesn't recognize I metamorphosize


today i suppose to have a peacefull day..
but things seem to not going on what i want it to be..
i went for gym just now..
and guess what?
i fall down from the trademill..
after the call, my mood was drop to the bottom..
i did anythings to express my feeling..
but it doesnt seem to work..
i guess this is not my way i used to abreact..
gym is not a good way for me..
my mind was keep on thinking..
why why why??
why there are still have someone got this kind of act?
i really dunno..dont even have a clue with it..
is there any wrong doing GYM with FRIENDS??
why is it sounds like im so wrong and you are quip at me..
and coz of this question make me fall down from the trademill..
What The Heck!!
hurt? is hurt..
Not all scars show, Not all wounds heal
Sometimes you can't always see The pain someone feels

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

my Happy Birthday^^

yesterday was my birthday (01/06)
it also my 1st day of class after 1week sem break..
my family come here to penang celebrate with me..
they bring me to have my favourite pizzas..
i like pizza so darn much..
after that we went gurney..
my mom bought me a bag from fourskin as a present..
i choose thn she pay.. right?
after shopping..
they send me back home..
that's not the end yet..
after that..
i wait for my bestie,fish to come pick me up..
as she said,we are goin to have dinner..
only me n her..sounds romantiak right?
coz she told me that all the frens was not free this n that..=="
what a lame idea for suprising right?
but she said that she wont use such lame idea..not creative at all..
she said all was really not free..
all right thn~
she bring me to my favourite restaurant-OPERA.. sweet she is..
when i step in..
ohno..the gang was sitting there..
thn i look at her.."u said u wont use such lame idea.."
she just laugh n ignore me..
we have our dinner there..
i like there so much..
thanks ya guys..
i really enjoy my 19th birthday..
here some pics to share..


present from my mummy

present from best friends
lazy to post pics ad..
stay tune..