Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the last day of the SEM

i can feel that i can fly up so high in the sky right after i pass up my last assignment..
no strees..no sleepless night..no burden..no worries..
this feeling was so good i can say..
free pizzas n camwhoring..
this is what we did in the room after busy for the whole day
..(or i can say..the whole sem..haha)

well..u can see how free how lame n how free we are..
and i just so enjoy the moments..
after that we went to gurney kofuloft have our dinner..
actually is a celebrating replacement for eddie the gay birthday..
at nite..
zen decided to go sunset for shisha..
so..me..fish..cody..zen n mell in a car go together..
we gossip gossip gossip..
although no shisha that day..n this is quite sad for zen who come for it..
but we still able to have a great nite there..
and yeah~
i got my 1month holidays..