Thursday, December 31, 2009

a new decade

oh my, we left a decade in just a blink!
its the end of year 2009..
there's lot of things up and down been happened along the year..
i had learned a lot from the down part of the life..

learning to be tougher,intelligent,independent whatever would make me changed to a better person..
don't blame about the past,because that's life..
bye 2009 and thanks for growing me..

we will never meet in future..
so take away all my sorrows kays..
i want my life to be happy along 2010..

Friday, December 25, 2009 more.

merry christmas to myself..
as santa had left me behind to be lonely..
he didnt hear my wishes this year..
how sad can it be..
i promise i'll be good good girl this coming year so that you wont forget me anymore..

Sunday, December 20, 2009


it was a terrible night..
whenever i close up my eyes..
feel like there is a sharp nails hit on my heart..
my heart shrink whenever a deep breath..
am i that weak?
i cant take it easy..
i should forget bout it..its over..
but it still fresh and clear..
like its just only happen..
sitting alone in the room looking out to the window..
staring at the sky and there is no one by my side..
how i wish there is a shoulder for me to cry out loud..
tell me that everything will be just fine..
fact is you are too far away from me...
if tears could make ones pretty..
i guess i would be the prettiest one..
a sleepless nite with tears make my eyes looks amazingly pretty today..
but no matter what happen..
i still love you..


im going to smile like nothings was wrong..
talk like everythings was perfect..
act like it's all a dream..
and pretend it's not hurting me..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

she's leaving

we used to be stranger..
but fate make us know each other and staying up in a room together..
1 and a half year..
memories here and there..
a good friendship have been built among us in this short period..
you are the youngest one among us..
but your role is like a mother..
always take good care of us and make sure we are in the good condition..
i still rmb how u take care of me when i get in high fever..
you change the wet towel on my forehead and measure my temperature with ur soft hand frequently to see whether come down not..
ask me wake up to have medicine and finish up the big glass of water..
buy me porridge and herbal drink as im lying on bed like a dead fish..
i noe im the one you always worry of as i dun really noe how to take care of myself..
thanks for everything u did kays..
i will never forget how good u treat me in this period..
seriously u treat me better thn my mom..hahas..
sorry for dint attend the farewell..sorry kays..
now you are leaving this room..leaving us as u r graduate..
this make me miss you so much..
coz i noe GD SHAN is no longer staying here with me..
the day when u r not here..
my daily life facing a big change..
and im so not used to it now..
nobody accompany me online till late at nite..
nobody accompany me to drink milk at the midnight..
nobody accompany me to have instant noodle for dinner..
nobody accompany me eat bread with our fav goober grape..
nobody help me to keep the cloths which is ad dry hanging outside..
nobody as me to bath as it is late..
nobody update tvxq's news to me..
nobody share with me the latest korean songs..
nobody gossip with me who is handsome and pretty..
and nobody accompany me stay in the hostel while weekends anymore..
but no matter what..
friendship never end kays..
come visit us when u r free aight..
if not i will go there to disturb u..
wish u all the best Tan Hui Shan..=)

Monday, November 23, 2009


im still awake and never sleep yet at this crucial moment..
why??it simply because of rushing my final projects..
im here to write a short post while im waiting for my project to be save..sigh..
my time management was seriously crash up coz of the wrong info i get..
finished 2 poster design in 24hrs its not an easy stuff actually.. is needed..
more but not
anyways..i hope that this 2 poster could lead me to a B..
or perhaps at least a C..
coz i noe with last minutes works..i cant demand for an A..
this kind of mistake will never repeat again..
once is enough..
darl..good luck..

Thursday, November 19, 2009


i might be a shabby person who has never done anything for you..
but today, i promise you that..
no matter what happens..
even the sky is falling down..
i'll promise you..
that i'll never let you go..
you and i together..
its just feel so right..
dont ever let go my hands..
even tho i bid u goodbye..
to me this world is just you..
our love has changed a bit by bit just like others..
but dont be sad..
im be right here baby..
no one in the world can replace you..
you are the only one in i'll be there for you..
just you and i..
forever and ever..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

sweet suprise

15nov is my darl-fish's birthday..
and we got a suprise celebration for her 19th bday at oriental last night..(dailou plan)
he invited all the jimuis to celebrate with her..
all of them bringing their bf along and nicky be my partner last nite..
so sad babyboy wasnt there..
nothing much to talk about..
all i noe is she really get suprised..
thank to me who can handle well the sudden call from darl..
if not..whole plan got spoilt..bahahahahaha..
im proud of my skill.. time..
p/s: happy birthday DARL..
dont so seh jiak ok..i look like a giant beside u..
and ur parking skill seriously need to improve..hehehe..

Sunday, November 01, 2009


the title tells everythings..
i seriously dont like this feeling of been abandon for the whole day..
plus u doesnt seem to care..
thats why i HATE this..
not in the mood..
signing off..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


things really doesnt going smooth lately..
been suffering from headache since saturday..
and it doesnt get well at all..i wonder whats happen in my head..=S
will go to have a check up soon..
i did something real embarass in college..
really really really embarass till i dunno where to put my face at all..
its ok if i called the wrong person name..
but the point is i pulled the girl's hair from the back which i tot is my friends..
n when she turn over..
OMGOSH!! totally wrong person..
sososo wrong..sia sui sial..
and just now..back from class and i wish to take a nap..
but end up i got a bad dream..
i woke up from my bed gaspingly with the heart beating so fast.. dizzy but i dont feel like wanna continue with my nap..
so sick of the bad dream..=(

Saturday, October 24, 2009


woke up at 11am n just have cococrunch for my very 1st meal of the day..
my mind is very blank now..
cant think of any ideas for my assignmentss..
i need creative ideas n inspirations..
i need it like seriously..
wonder why it always come at the very last minute..duhh..

i guess it aint special for my today..
just another day which i used to miss him all over n over again..
mind was full of him right now..duhh..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


he is apart from me again..
i wish he will stay longer..
i miss the way he wrap his arm around me n his singing to me anytime,anywhere..
miss the way he hug me to sleep n the thorax that make me feel secure..
miss the moment when he whispered my name in the middle of the sleep..
miss his laughter n jokingly tell me how popular he is among the guys n girls..
no doubt that many peoples is obsessed with a guy like him..
and he always tell me how lucky am i who win his heart..
i read it with my eyes cleary what she wrote in her blog n starting to suspicion..
a girl like me always pretending im cool with it n i dont care..
but the fact is im still learning on it..
but no matter how strong the denials made..
its always my own perception whether to take it or not..
i will always keep the faith in you..
we knew it play a big role in this..
no one says that long distance relationship are easy..
shamelessly to admit that i started to miss him again..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

sick fishy

i started to miss her voice..
darl..faster get well soon k..
going to class alone doesnt feel nice at all..=(

huhu..faster get ur ass back to class..
i want to play webcam with you!!

bad muddle

can anyone tell me whats going wrong with me today?
a pig who usually cant wake up by an alarm eventho the alarm is freaking loud but today my roommate's alarm really had spoilt my sleep..
today class was at 230pm..used to be wake up at 1pm been woke up early at 11am..
coz of darl having im gonna go to class myself..
walked to class early with my roommate who have class at 2pm..
things getting bad when some1 told me that todays class canceled..
wtheck!! why i dont noe about this..?
im so frustrated with it since i dont have a good sleep..
im so angry with nobody inform me bout this,mad at the lecturer who dint annouce it clearly still dint answer my call n the weather is so hot but yet still need to walk back under the hot sun..
i keep on mumble along the way home alone..
im getting mad seriously and im trying to get myself calm..
and i nearly get hit by a falling stupid dunno what fruit infront my hse..
getting moody..bye..

Sunday, October 11, 2009

the gay's

13th only his bday..
but he had his party yesterday becoz of me..coz i back hometown..hehe..
the bday boy
the homemade tiramisu cake
make by suekee n laine
me n jeena
the ladies

best friend
satisfy with the nite

Thursday, October 08, 2009

rushing day

i treat u as my buddy..
and i guess u too rite?
i noe u since f4 when we were in the same class..
till now its been 4yrs..
and we still hang out together everynite eventho been graduated..
u r the trouble maker of all time..
but u always the one who most speak on obligation..
u treat me as a girl when the others treat me as a boy..
u r the one who always protect me in the gang..
coz im the only girl..
thats why i feel safe when u r there..
today is ur day.. party at ur hse yesterday..
me as ur fren..the very steady wan indeed..haha
go down all the way round from pg to as to attend ur birthday party and thn get back to pg again in the midnight.. although its tiring but im still happy with it..
i do enjoy that nite..hope u enjoy urs too..
19yrs old boy..
stop smoking aight..
u promised us!!
behave urself.and stop illegal stuff..
happy birthday!!
birthday boy


in the house

lainez n i

4 pairs of sexy legs

the ladies


fei n i

we in the car
the moment
laine with the cake
been destroy
-the end-